

This new race was created by Dan.








Melee Agility Felf Racial Power
With a single fluid move, you strike and retreat.
At-Will ✦ Personal
Minor Action
Trigger: The felf hits with a melee attack.
Effect: The felf shifts 1 square.



Felf reach maturity around age 20 (in line with half-elves).  Random starting age is 20+1d6/2d6/3d6.  Felf also receive aging effects at the same rate as half-elves.  Felf are approximately the same size as elves, males being slightly larger.


Changes from 3.5

Height/Weight changed to correspond with the new, human-sized elves.

No more claws.

Speed increased to match elf speed.

New powers, etc. changed to 4ed style.



A Felf is a cross between an elf and a catfolk.  Felf acquire physical traits from both their elven and catfolk ancestors.  For the most part, their body resembles that of an elf, with several notable exceptions.  Felf ears, eyes, tail and hair are all uniquely recognizable from their catfolk heritage.  The coloring of these parts of a felf all correspond to the coloring of the catfolk tribe from which the felf's ancestors came.  A felf's eyes are shaped like those of an elf, but the coloring is like that of their catfolk parent, with vertical pupils, like a cat.  A felf's ears are on the top of their head, are triangular and covered in fur.  The exact size and shape of the ears depends on the catfolk tribe.  Often, but not always, the fur on the ears matches the felf's hair color.  A felf also has a cat-like tail, which is useful for balance, but not flexible or strong enough to manipulate objects with.  Felf have thick, claw-like fingernails, though they are not long or strong enough to be used as weapons.



Felf are very rare, and do not have a society of their own.  Their society, as such, is very similar to half-elf society, consisting of disconnected individuals who cannot truly belong to any society.


Most felf grow up in a catfolk community and adopt the customs of the tribe. They are accepted as equal members of the tribe, though they are likely to encounter at least a little prejudice.  In particular, because felf are more similar physically to their elven side, they are not well suited to many typical catfolk activities.  In addition, they tend to be less physically developed than their peers, and so tend to feel outcast, even without active prejudice.  Because felf have a longer lifespan than catfolk, they can become elder advisors of a tribe, overseeing several generations of catfolk.  Most felf, however, feel the full force of catfolk wanderlust, and leave their tribes permanently.  Felf that leave their tribes are drawn either to solitary lives or very diverse places (cities like Sharn or Ptolus) where they will not stand out quite as much.


Felf who grow up in an elven community are likely to experience a great deal of prejudice, even more so than the relatively common half-elves.  Because they have very distinct physical characteristics, they are more likely to be singled out than half-elves.  Fortunately for this sort of felf, the nomadic nature of catfolk generally leads the parents away from the elven community after a relatively short time.



Felf have sensitive noses, similar to their catfolk parent, though not as sensitive as an animal's.  A felf who loses their tail through accident or battle will have their sense of balance permanently disrupted, although this handicap can be offset through training and rehabilitation (probably -6 to -10 penalty on balance rolls).


Adult felf are lactose intolerant.  Felf lack the ability to taste sweetness. 



Rraggaath:  This is a traditional catfolk charm to attract spirits.  A element representing the type of spirit (stone for earth, charcoal for fire, etc) is surrounded by brightly dyed cloth, leaves, yarn or other materials.  Spirits are attracted by the bright colors, and then are able to take up residence in the element.  There are traditional patterns for many different types of rraggaath (which vary by tribe), but improvised designs are nearly as common.  A rraggaath can be carried on a person or placed in a home.  However, rraggaath are not meant to be permanent residences for spirits, so they are disassembled after some time to release the spirit back into the wild.  The length of time a rraggaath is used for typically depends upon the quality of construction (ie, the quality of the accommodations), varying between months for well-made traditional charms, and days for improvised ones.  Because rraggaath are small and can be made out of scrap material and natural items, even children can make rraggaath.