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on July 14, 2007 at 10:45:09 pm


Status Quo Encounters

The campaign will included tailored encounters as well as status quo encounters as detailed in page 48 of the Dungeon Master's guide. What does this mean for the players? Occasionally you will need to run or otherwise escape from an encounter. Very rarely will this not be obvious.


Information Flow

Players are allowed to watch scenes they are not participating in. For example, Siggi the halfling rogue decides to sneak up ahead and eavesdrop on two nobles engaged in conversation. The other players stay at the table and watch the scene played out with Siggi and the nobles however they shouldn't give advice to Siggi and any secrets Siggi discovers remain with Siggi unless he decides to communicate them to the other players.


"Players are expected to maintain a distance between what they know as audience members and what their PCs know." -- Dungeon Master Guide II




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