
House Rules

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Saved by Jason
on July 6, 2008 at 2:26:24 pm

Campaign house rules are noted here. If you have suggestions for others please contact Jason. 


A note of warning, some of these rules are subject to change during the course of the campaign.



Felf -- half-elven caltfolk (based on the elf, half-elf and catfolk racial stats); created by Dan.




Paragon Feats


Research Ritual

Prerequisite: Ritual Caster; Trained in either Arcana, Heal, Nature, or Religion

Benefit: You are able to create new rituals of your level or lower. You choose the type of rituals you are able to create (either Arcana, Heal, Nature, or Religion). This works just like mastering a ritual (the cost is the same, etc.). But instead of 8 hours of study, it requires a week of research and some kind of work area (library, sanctuary, etc.). The ritual must first be approved by the DM.

Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you take this feat you can research rituals of a different skill that you have trained.





Humans get an extra at-will power from their class list. Right now there are only 2 of the Artificer's at-will powers detailed. So a human can choose an at-will from another class subject to the DM's approval.


New Artificer Class Features: 


Item Creation: Artificers are adept at creating magic items. An Artificer can add the Enchant Magic Item ritual to his ritual book for free upon gaining forth level. In addition, Artificer's can create magic items up to his level plus 2.




Skill Challenges

Skill challenges are important encounters in this campaign. The rewards for success and complications for failure are just as great as with combat encounters (which means, by the way, that feats and utility powers used for skills are encouraged).  Here are some house rules regarding skill challenges (these ideas are inspired by Keith Baker's blog post about skill challenges):


  • Action Points -- you can use action points in skill challenges. If you are unhappy with your first roll you can spend an action point to roll again.
  • Critical Success -- a natural 20 on a skill check (not Aid Another) removes a failure.


The rest of this section can be skipped if you trust your DM. But, if you don't, please continue reading.


It has been pointed out by the D&D community in many places (yes, especially the ENWorld forums) that the 2N successes vs N failures model is broken. To make things a bit more fair we will use a combination of the equal threshould house rule (N successes vs N failures) and partial successes (see the comments in Keith Baker's blog post if you are interested in the rationale). This works as follows...


There are three possible outcomes to a skill challenge, 1) failure, 2) moderate success, 3) complete success.


  1. Failure means you don't achieve the goal of the skill challenge. You failed a skill challenge when you have more failures then successes.
  2. Moderate success is what is usually meant by "success" in the DMG skill challenge description. You achieve moderate success when you have more successes then failures.
  3. Complete success means you not only achieved your goal but there is also some kind of bonus associated with your success. This is achieved when you have 2N success vs N failures (normal rules for skill challenge).


The number of skill checks in a skill challenge is determined by the encounter complexity.



Skill Checks












 These skill challenge house rules are subject to change if WoTC updates the skill challenge section in the DMG (seems likely).


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